For the second straight year, ASU's AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals) student chapter received the AITP National Chapter of the Year award. The award was presented at the AITP National Collegiate Conference in San Antonio on March 29. ASU's AITP chapter outperformed over 200 student chapters from 45 states ( including Arkansas, Baylor, Florida State, Iowa, Mississippi, and Purdue.
The chapter also won the AITP Outstanding Chapter of the Year award for its region. Kristin Houck, ASU's AITP President, won First Place (and $100 gift card) in the Best IT Tech/Geek Video Contest.
Students from ASU's AITP chapter held a Silent Auction fundraiser on March 26, raising over $3,500 to help pay for the trip. Support was also provided by the Office of Student Research through travel grants.
775 attendees from 71 colleges and universities traveled to this year's conference. Next year, the club will compete in St. Louis at the 2013 AITP National Collegiate Conference.