
Engage in student research and you can:

  • have more faculty interactions outside the classroom,
  • gain peer recognition,
  • gain the experience employers are seeking,
  • present your findings at local, regional, and national meetings,
  • apply for travel and research grants to support your work.

Important Announcements

Please read the entire home page of the grant you are applying for to note deadlines and requirements. All online Faculty letters of recommendation must be submitted electronically by the end of the deadline day (15th of the month for OSR Research and Travel - if the 15th is on a weekend the deadline is extended through Monday).

OSR cannot fund travel of any kind to countries or areas where there are safety warnings or sanctions in place. If you are traveling internationally, please see the link to the Alerts and Warnings page. If you have questions about this information, please contact the Director of Education Abroad, in the Office of International Education and Development, at 828-262-2046.

OSR funding is awarded to students only and must be expended in the department by the awarded student. Faculty cannot be reimbursed for expenses claimed on any OSR grant application. *OSR cannot reimburse departments for P card charges for travel grants. Students must pay for and provide zero balance receipts for all OSR Travel Grant awarded funding. *

Food and beverage expenses of any kind and gift certificate/gift card purchases are NOT permissable from OSR funding.

Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA)

URAs offer highly motivated undergraduate students the opportunity to work closely with a Faculty mentor on the Faculty member's research, scholarship, or creative activity. The Faculty member, in consultation with an interested undergraduate student at Appalachian State University, is encouraged to apply for an Undergraduate Research Assistantship.

Summer 2025 URA Information

  • Monday, April 21, 2025 -  Summer URA application link opens
  • Thursday, May 15, 2025 (11:59 pm) - Summer URA deadline closes
  • Thursday, May 29, 2025 - Summer URA award decisions returned

All Spring 2025 URA's have been officially awarded. 

We encourage Faculty members to thoroughly discuss this opportunity with the intended undergraduate student and confirm their ability to fulfill the requirements of the position (80 hours of work for the semester.) The selected URA student must be able to commit to the time and workload involved with the proposed research project.

S-STEM Scholarships

The main purpose of the program is to attract students to major in computer science or applied mathematics and to help them succeed in these majors. Our recent S-STEM grant provides a limited number of scholarships to the Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, and Biology majors to work with the Computer Science and Math scholars on interdisciplinary problems. Apply for an S-STEM Scholarship.

Travel Grants

The InfoReady link for OSR Travel Grant applications with May travel dates will open on April 1, 2025 (the deadline for April travel dates was March 15, 2025). OSR cannot accept any late submissions.

  • OSR travel grants are awarded in amounts up to $400 for presentation of accepted research or creative endeavors at professional meetings or conferences. You must be an officially accepted presenter. OSR cannot fund travel to simply attend a meeting or conference. Students cannot claim abstract submission or processing fees.

Research Grants

The InfoReady link for the next OSR Research Grant cycle will open on April 1, 2025 with an April 15th deadline (11:59 pm). OSR cannot accept any late submissions.

Projects are expected to follow guidelines provided by the Office of Research and Innovation and campus policies and procedures set by the campus and state of North Carolina. 

  • OSR Research Grants - Faculty or student initiated projects from a variety of disciplines are awarded in up to $500. This grant is for supplies and materials purchased in the Faculty Mentor's home academic department after the grant has been officially awarded. No payments may be made to students - purchases must be made in the department.