OSR Travel Grants

The Office of Student Research will begin accepting OSR Travel Grant applications for students presenting research at meetings or conferences with May travel dates on April 1, 2025. Only students who are the lead presenter can apply for an OSR Travel Grant to cover registration and costs associated with travel (e.g., mileage, lodging, airfare, meals). OSR cannot pay for abstract submission fees or memberships of any kind.

OSR cannot edit or replace any uploaded items on submitted InfoReady student grant applications - all submissions should be proofread diligently before they are submitted via the InfoReady portal. You MUST use the required OSR budget itemization template included on the InfoReady application home page (on the right side, under Supporting Documents). Contact OSR directly at osr@appstate.edu with any questions, please do not reach out via InfoReady as they will not be able to address questions specific to our Internal Competitions.

All currently enrolled Appalachian students (graduate and undergraduate) in good academic standing are eligible to apply for a travel grant of up to $400. The grant must be used to defray the cost of travel to present results of their research or creative performance at a professional conference in their field. The Office of Student Research can only fund travel for accepted presenters, we cannot fund travel to simply attend a meeting or conference. OSR cannot fund tuition, training or course fees of any kind.

You must apply for all OSR Travel grant funding in the correct InfoReady Internal Competition that corresponds to your travel date of departure. For example, if you are departing anytime in May (May 1-31) you would need to apply online via InfoReady by April 15th (you cannot submit OSR Travel grant applications early). The InfoReady link for May travel dates will open on April 1, 2025. Each InfoReady Internal Competition is separate, based on the date of your departure and runs from the 1st of the month until the 15th of the month. We cannot fund travel costs for presentations which have already occurred. OSR CANNOT MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY. If you are not sure you will be notified of your abstract acceptance before this deadline requirement, you should indicate that your work has been submitted for presentation. If you are not accepted to present, you would need to notify OSR.

When multiple students are presenting (and are all lead presenters, not co-presenters) at the same meeting or conference ALL students must apply for individual OSR Travel grant funding in the same, monthly grant cycle. Due to the increased number of applications for travel to present at the same meeting or conference for multiple students (group trips), the amount of per-student funding will be less than the full $400.00 for an individual presenter. A group trip is defined as five or more students presenting their research or creative endeavor at the same meeting or conference. Each student presenting must submit a separate, individual grant application listing only their out-of-pocket expenses for the trip.

All Travel Grants are awarded as reimbursements through Chrome River, after the trip has occurred and all receipts have been submitted. All receipts must be in the student's name - receipts for shared lodging must be split by the hotel and each student must pay their part at the hotel. No money is advanced prior to traveling. OSR grants are only for expenses paid for (out -of-pocket) by the student applying for funding. OSR cannot reimburse a department for any charges, including those made on a P-card. Students cannot claim shared van expenses or Motor Pool charges of any kind on any OSR grant application.

The OSR Travel Grant is NOT designed to cover the following:

  • Costs associated with class projects, class assignments or any activities that are associated with a traditional "in the classroom" course
  • Abstract submission or processing fees 
  • Membership fees of any kind

NOTE: Travel Grants cannot be used to fund any of the costs associated with designing or printing your poster for presentation. For these costs you are encouraged to apply for an OSR Research Grant.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I am in good academic standing?

  • Students that are currently (in the semester applying) NOT on academic probation are considered in good academic standing.

When should I apply for the Travel Grant?

  •  You must apply for all OSR Travel grant funding in the correct InfoReady Internal Competition that corresponds to your travel date of departure. For example, if you are departing anytime in May (May 1-31) you would need to apply online via InfoReady by April 15th (you cannot submit OSR Travel grant applications early). The InfoReady link for May travel dates will open on April 1, 2025. Each InfoReady Internal Competition is separate, based on the date of your departure and runs from the 1st of the month until the 15th of the month. We cannot fund travel costs for presentations which have already occurred. OSR CANNOT MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY. If you are not sure you will be notified of your abstract acceptance before this deadline requirement, you should indicate that your work has been submitted for presentation. If you are not accepted to present, you would need to notify OSR.

How do I complete the budget for my Travel Grant?

  • Use the following link for information concerning requests for mileage, food and lodging (navigate within the travel sections of the site for specifics). Also see the GSA site for per diem instruction. Please contact the Travel Office with any specific questions relating to per diem amounts or policies at 828-262-6424.
  • When multiple students are presenting at the same meeting, "cost sharing" is highly encouraged.

What do I do if I am traveling Internationally?

  • If you are traveling internationally, please see the link to the Alerts and Warnings page. If you have questions about this information, please contact the Director of Education Abroad, in the International Programs, at 828-262-2046.
  • OSR cannot fund travel of any kind to countries or areas where there are safety warnings or sanctions in place.

What if I have already traveled to my conference, can I still apply for a Travel Grant?

  • Unfortunately, OSR cannot fund travel costs for presentations which have already occurred.

Any questions may be directed to the Office of Student Research at weavermk@appstate.edu.

Grant Requirements

In order to justify awarding a travel grant, the Office of Student Research must have an itemized budget including a list of lodging expenses, mileage or flight cost, meals, parking and registration fees associated with your travel. Additionally, a brief description of your role in the presentation including whether or not there are co-presenters or authors should be provided. The following are some suggestions for your proposal preparation:

  1. Determine your lodging expenses and transportation. This includes estimating the cost of your flight or estimated mileage (please use the University subsistence amounts). Consider ways to "cost share" with other students who will be presenting at the same conference.
  2. Estimate a meal allowance based on the university subsistence amounts. You cannot claim any meals on a one-day trip, where no overnight stay is required. Please view the following link concerning requests for mileage, food, and lodging (navigate within the travel sections of the site for specifics). Also see the GSA site for per diem instruction. Please contact the Travel Office with any specific questions relating to per diem amounts or policies at 828-262-6424.
  3. If applicable, consider parking fees and/or registration fees.
  4. Explain the purpose of the conference and discuss your role in the presentation including whether it is an oral or poster presentation or creative endeavor, list other authors or presenters, and describe how this conference will benefit you as an attendee. Be sure to write the completed name of the conference (e.g., American College of Sports Medicine versus ACSM), do not abbreviate as reviewers may not be knowledgeable of the acronyms used in your field.
  5. All policies and procedures regarding travel costs should follow university guidelines. 
  6. If officially awarded an OSR Travel grant, you will need to contact the administrative assistant in your Faculty Mentor's home academic departmental office to get set up on App State's Chrome River software system for travel approvals and reimbursements.

To Apply

  • You must apply for all OSR Travel grant funding in the correct InfoReady Internal Competition that corresponds to your travel date of departure. For example, if you are departing anytime in May (May 1-31) you would need to apply online via InfoReady by April 15th (you cannot submit OSR Travel grant applications early). OSR cannot accept any late submissions. Each InfoReady Internal Competition is separate, based on the date of your departure and runs from the 1st of the month until the 15th of the month. We cannot fund travel costs for presentations which have already occurred. OSR CANNOT MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY. If you are not sure you will be notified of your abstract acceptance before this deadline requirement, you should indicate that your work has been submitted for presentation. If you are not accepted to present, you would need to notify OSR.
  • OSR cannot edit or replace any uploaded items on submitted InfoReady student grant applications - all submissions must be proofread diligently before they are submitted via the InfoReady portal. You MUST use the required OSR budget itemization template included on the InfoReady application home page (on the right side, under Supporting Documents). Contact OSR directly at osr@appstate.edu with any questions, please do not reach out via InfoReady as they will not be able to address questions specific to our Internal Competitions.
  • The InfoReady link for May travel dates will open on April 1, 2025 with an April 15th deadline (at 11:59 pm). OSR cannot accept any late submissions.
  • Please view the following link concerning requests for mileage, food, and lodging (navigate within the travel sections of the site for specifics). Also see the GSA site for per diem instruction. Please contact the Travel Office with any specific questions relating to per diem amounts or policies at 828-262-6424.


  • All Travel Grants are awarded as reimbursements, after the trip has occurred and all receipts have been submitted - no money is advanced prior to traveling. *OSR grants are only for expenses paid for (out-of-pocket) by the student applying for funding. OSR cannot reimburse a department for any charges, including those made on a P-card*
  • If officially awarded an OSR Travel grant, you will need to contact the administrative assistant in your Faculty Mentor's home academic departmental office to get set up in App State's Chrome River software system for travel approvals and reimbursements. You must have a completed Chrome River travel pre-approval form on file before your date of departure.
  • Students can only receive OSR Travel grant funding if they are actively enrolled during the semester (fall, spring or summer). We cannot fund travel to present if a student has already graduated - the student must still be enrolled at App State at the time of their travel.
  • Original, zero-balance receipts or invoices in the student's name (cannot be in a parent, other student, or Faculty member's name, departmental P-card charge, etc.) are required for reimbursement.
  • Priority will be given to students who also present their work at the Annual Celebration of Student Research and Creative Endeavors at Appalachian.

Award Notifications

Complete InfoReady OSR Travel Grant applications received by the 15th of each month will be reviewed prior to the end of the month. Award notifications will be made by the last day of the month. OSR cannot consider applications for travel that has already occurred. Students must submit their complete application by the 15th of the month PRIOR to their date of departure during the corresponding call for proposals via InfoReady (link opens on the 1st of each month).