23rd Annual Celebration of Student Research and Creative Endeavors Abstract Submissions
The Office of Student Research is pleased to announce that the abstract submission site is now available for our 23rd Annual Celebration of Student Research and Creative Endeavors. The abstract submission deadline for this meeting is Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 11:59pm. Both undergraduate and graduate students, along with their Faculty Mentors, are encouraged to submit abstracts of their current or completed work for presentation on Thursday, April 16, 2020 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
To submit, please visit the Office of Student Research website for the Abstract Submission Form at https://osr.appstate.edu/research-day.
Abstracts should follow the appropriate guidelines set in your discipline. All abstracts should be well-written and well-organized. Additionally, they must be supported by at least one Faculty Mentor. Students can only submit one abstract as the Lead Author. No late submissions will be accepted. Please proof your abstract for grammatical errors, correct spelling of names, title, and academic departments as OSR cannot edit or make changes to an abstract once it is submitted.
Additionally, students may consider submitting to the 11th annual Student Research Poster Competition. Abstracts submitted to this competition should be ones which the student completed at least over 50% of the work. Additionally, there must be completed results, no proposals will be accepted, data must be presented. Abstracts for this competition are reviewed by those in various disciplines. From the entrants, the top 20 posters (10 UG, 10GR) will be asked to present to a panel of Judges at the Celebration event. Only the Lead author is eligible for the competition. Additional details are provided at https://osr.appstate.edu/research-day.
Further ideas for abstract submission guidelines in different disciplines can be found on the following site: http://www.cur.org/what/events/students/ncur/2020/ncur_2020_abstract_guidelines/
If you have any questions about the Celebration 2020 please contact the Office of Student Research at 262-7655 or at osr@appstate.edu